Aug 13, 2023Liked by The Musical Platypus Bob Hart

Beatles freak here, since '64. I later studied jazz and theory at the New England Conservatory (and every day since, on my own), before attempting to understand theology for the past 40 years. And I enjoyed this article a LOT. Keep it coming.

Btw, I think George's naughty chord is a Dom7b9, and the "both" thirds chord is a Dom7#9, and yes, both from jazz. They definitely blew open rock harmony by borrowing from jazz, music hall, the great American songbook, and Motown.

You're spot on and highlighting the good stuff.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by The Musical Platypus Bob Hart

I get why they call it a #9, and it rather feels like two thirds to me. I love that sound. Cue Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by The Musical Platypus Bob Hart

Thanks I really enjoyed this post. I can't help thinking of those early interviews with the Beatles when they kept being asked what they were going to do when all of this blew over. Well, it never did. My own fascination with them has just grown over the decades and they surely make good music. The scope of their invention and the joyfulness of their music has just made my astonishment grow.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by The Musical Platypus Bob Hart


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